A definition

Crochet is a process of creating fabric from yarn or thread using a crochet hook. The word is derived from the Middle French word croc or croche, meaning hook. Crocheting, similar to knitting, consists of pulling loops of yarn through other loops. Crochet differs from knitting in that only one loop is active at one time (the sole exception being Tunisian crochet), and that a crochet hook is used instead of knitting needles.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Crocheted Market Bag - Finished Project

I've finished the bag and here it is.  I would recommend sticking to the lengths listed in the pattern.  The bag part looks small when you are making it up but the mesh stretches a lot!  Add length and you may end up with a bag that drags on the ground.

Crocheted.ca: Crocheted Market Bag.

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