A definition

Crochet is a process of creating fabric from yarn or thread using a crochet hook. The word is derived from the Middle French word croc or croche, meaning hook. Crocheting, similar to knitting, consists of pulling loops of yarn through other loops. Crochet differs from knitting in that only one loop is active at one time (the sole exception being Tunisian crochet), and that a crochet hook is used instead of knitting needles.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Felting without a machine

I have a front loading washing machine so I thought that felting was beyond my reach. Then I got to thinking how did they felt before washing machines were invented? A long internet search later and I came across a website that gives a step by step description on how to felt without a machine. I have tried it and my item felted very well...

If you are like me and have always wanted to felt but didn't think you could because you had a front-loading washing machine check out the article below and happy felting.

Felting the old way sort of...


Valerie said...

That is a very interesting article and good to know if my machine breaks down. I can wait to see your work. Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

thank you so much! i've been digging around on the internet and in the etsy forums for advice about this too, but all i seem to get is "you need a machine, you need a machine..." this is so useful, thanks again for posting it.